About Us

Mark Hirsch, National Director
Mark founded the US Coalition for Association Reform (USCFAR) to create a counterbalance to abusive HOA and condo boards after witnessing his mother's lengthy legal battle.
Driven by his passion for liberty and commitment to protecting the rights of homeowners, Mark leads USCFAR in advocating for association member education, transparency and accountability.
Mark holds a current HOA Board Certification with the Florida DBPR, and served 3 years as the President of the Ocean Isles at Del Raton II Homeowners Association in Delray Beach, Florida.
Mark's professional background includes corporate development, M&A, Public Relations, e-commerce and publishing.

Ann Hirsch, Community Liaison
Ann brings her fighting spirit with her even after being victimized by the "Association System" not once, but twice. First by the rogue board of her community and then by the court system, which never heard her case.
Aside from being a mom of two sons, she is the grandmother of four and soon to be five grandchildren. She has a B.A. Degree in Psychology. She spent years as a professional performer, writer and independent producer. She also worked as an interior designer, sales manager, store manager and political activist. Certified as a Board of Directors of a Condominium Association as provided in Section 718 in Florida since 2022, as well as, SB-4D.
Ann believes that the current Association System is tyrannical and out of control. It must be reformed or dissolved. It’s time to stand up for our Constitutional rights against this “artificial construct, “the Corporation” that benefits the few but harms so many.
Letter From Our Director
Fellow Citizens,
Living on a fixed-income in a modest one-bedroom condo in South Florida, my mother along with several of her neighbors, faced an unbearable situation when their ambitious board began imposing assessments for repairs, then an increase in monthly maintenance fees followed by an additional illegal assessment for unapproved projects within less than a years' time.
Despite their best efforts to stand up for their rights—a few residents pleaded with the board to take the mandatory vote required for the improvements. When the board ignored them, my mother sought help from several state agencies, petitioned for arbitration, contacted the State Attorney's Office, the Governor's office, and finally the court system (where she and her neighbor, Arthur, represented themselves Pro-Se for 12 months) - they were met with indifference, disappointment, and relentless harassment.
The board violated its own governing documents and Florida Statutes and forced through a costly and illegal assessment, leaving my mother and her neighbors to choose between essential needs or paying the board's latest demand.
Representing themselves in court, they were blindsided by a high-priced insurance attorney who exploited procedural loopholes to get their case thrown out. He then petitioned for legal fees on their case that was never even heard, further exacerbating their financial strain.
The system failed my mother and her neighbor at every turn, leaving them to fend off aggressive tactics from a rogue board that had no regard for legality. The agencies that are supposed to protect seniors as a "protected class" were missing in action.
Listening to my mother’s struggles week after week for over a year, I knew something had to change. This is why I founded the US Coalition for Association Reform (USCFAR)—to restore balance, combat corruption, and hold rogue boards accountable. We stand with home and condo owners facing similar battles, ensuring that no one has to face an unjust board alone.
USCFAR exists because my mother and millions of association members deserve better.
If you believe in upholding property and Constitutional rights against overreaching HOA and condo boards, join us.
Our motto is "Potentia in Numeris". Latin that translates as "Power in Numbers". Together, we can make a difference.
We look forward to welcoming you as a member!
- Mark Hirsch, National Director
US Coalition For Association Reform